Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Workout 21 - Run and Trike

I got the itch to start running again today. Maybe it is due to the cold weather that has overtaken Longboat Key. Running is more fun in cold, windy weather than riding my trike.

I ran 2 miles around Corey's Landing, where our home is located. That's a short run, but since I haven't run in over 2 years, not bad. And, I felt pretty good, although my legs felt squirrly on the hard pavement. It will take awhile to get my running legs back. I felt no symptoms from the hip surgery of last year, which is a very good sign that my recovery is complete, or near complete.

My goal is to build up to 25 miles per week by the time we return to Atlanta in early May.

I also did 18 miles on my trike following the run. The combo felt like a really good cardio workout.

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